Palma.—Eight out of every ten nursing staff in the Balearics claim they are working in stressful conditions and that they are emotionally exhausted, a study carried out by nursing union Satse throughout Spain revealed yesterday.

The same figures, a Satse researcher claimed yesterday could be applied to the Balearics .
The report entitled “Stress amongst Nursing Professionals” warns that the situation is exceeding all reasonable bounds.
Nursing staff say they are already working in difficult situations. In the Balearics this is being made even more stressful by cuts in the regional Health service, the Satse report says.

Research showed that more than half of nursing staff (51%) believe that attention to patients has worsened and eight of every ten (80%) said that there were insufficient staff to attend to their needs; 82% of those taking part in the survey said they didn't have sufficient time during their working day to look after patients as they would have wished. Nearly nine out of every ten nurses said that their working conditions had worsened, with a similar percentage saying that the professional environment had deteriorated.

More than a half of these professionals say that they are extending their working day for no extra money, trying to catch up on tasks they didn't have time for in their official working hours.

It's too “alarming” said Satse that nearly 90 percent of nursing staff have said that their working situation has proved too much for them. “The so-called adjustments by Central and regional governments have seriously demotivated medical professionals,” said Satse. “Dissatisfied, stressed out, and in many cases suffering from Burnout,” was how the report described many of those who had taken part in the survey.

The nursing union has urged health ministries to take responsibility and intervene to protect the health of their workers as demanded by law.