Palma.—The Association for the Fight Against Cancer in the Balearics (AECC) is launching today a series of events as part of a Campaign against Breast Cancer.

It is setting up information tables at strategic points around Palma such as outside the Corte Inglés in the Avenidas and Jaime III. The Association is also putting up huge pink ribbons in central streets in Palma, and the front of City Hall and Bellver Castle will be lit up in pink from 8-9pm.

Also, Majorca's luxury five-star resort, Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa is to participate this October along with other Jumeirah hotels world-wide, in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The hotel is undertaking three other important initiatives locally. Firstly, during the summer, together with Red Cross, it held a ‘Blood Bank' on the hotel premises to collect donations from its employees and its nearby neighbours. On 20th October, its Jumeirah Ballroom will be hosting the grand finale concert in Port Soller's annual Festival de Música Clásica followed by a dinner for those wishing to enjoy its delicious Cap Roig Restaurant offerings after the concert. Finally, it will host the annual fund raising dinner of the Soller branch of the national charity AECC, Asociación Española Contra el Cancer. This charity's work, like Breast Cancer Awareness, is dedicated to the detection and prevention of the disease as well as providing practical support to those affected. And, tonight, giant floodlights will project dramatic pink beams of light across the hotel's frontage and through the Port of Soller.