Lluc.—As part of the campaign to finance and repair the roof of Lluc monastery after serious storm damage, all the tiles bought and signed by visitors and supporters will be used in the monastery's main building, Joan Rotger, the Vice-President of the Council of Majorca's heritage department said yesterday.

Rotger was issuing a statement after the Council of Majorca had said it will not allow the new signed tiles to be inserted in the roof area of the arcades, which are listed architectural features of the monastery. The roof repairs on the arcades will need to use “weathered” tiles to fit in with the overall historic aspect.

Rotger said another 180'000 tiles are needed to cover the whole roof area of the main building of the monastery and urged the public not to slacken off in their support of the roof tile replacement campaign. “No one should feel cheated because their tiles won't be visible from ground level,” said Rotger. “All of them will be used.” Yet more effort is being made to finance the repair. On 5th December, a charity concert is being held in Palma Cathedral in aid of the campaign. Star performers will be Maria del Mar Bonet, Andreu Riera, and the Balearic University and Lluc monastery choirs.