Palma.—Regional business associations are calling on the Balearic government in no uncertain terms to find a solution to the completion of the Conference Centre and hotel at the eastern end of the Paseo Marítimo in Palma.

The delay in getting the building finished because of insufficient financing, claim the associations, is generating extra cost.
The Conference Centre and hotel are widely seen by tourist and leisure businesses in the Balearics as essential to establishing all year-round tourism and as having beneficial knock-on effects for other economic activity in the region.

Josep Oliver, the President of the Balearic Business Federation (CAEB) said yesterday: “It's a complex matter but the project has been called for over many years now. It's essential that the project is completed as it's the only way that profit will be obtained from the venture.” Oliver said the infrastructure was necessary not just for Palma but for Majorca as a whole. For this reason, he furthered, the Balearic government needs to find the funds to get the building completed so that it can start becoming a hub of business activity.

Agreeing with Oliver yesterday was Inmaculada de Benito, the President of the Majorcan Hoteliers Federation (FEHM ). She said that it was essential to avoid further costs. “The longer it takes to complete, a backlog of interest on debt is going to build up, around a million euros a month,” she claimed. “There's no going back now; the most practical course of action is to put together some attractive terms and conditions and put a contract out to tender to get the building finished in the government's present term of office.”