Palma. The Council said that prostitutes who rob unsuspecting tourists on the Playa de Palma, mostly in summer, could themselves have fallen prey to extortion being exercised by organised gangs of drug racketeers in the Palma suburb of Son Gotleu.
It could be the case, said Council sources, that the gangs are pressurising the women to maximise profit in summer when visitor numbers on the Playa de Palma are at their height, to make up for lower levels of income in the winter.
The Local Police meanwhile, responding to the Council's suggestion yesterday, said that it is possible but as yet, there has been no proof of connection between the prositutes and the drug gangs.
Local Police confirmed that this summer there were 49 arrests of prostitutes for robbery with violence and that there are likely to have been more cases which were not registered by victims.
In the high season this year on the Playa de Palma, police were aware thataround 30 prostitutes were operating, Bulgarians, Romanians, but above all Nigerians, along with one Russian woman and four Spanish transvestites.
When the summer ends, the epi-centre of nightlife in Arenal empties and the prostitutes only resurface at Christmas when there are sporadic stag parties for German visitors. Elsewhere in Palma, prostitutes are active in the Avenidas, by Puerta de Sant Antoni and Calle Manacor and at the hippodrome, although Local Police say trade is minimal.
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