Palma.—The incident, said investigating sources, began at 5.30pm on Wednesday after various calls had been made to Central Police headquarters in Palma on the 091 emergency number.

The alarm related to a dispute between two neighbours in Son Ferriol which had got out of hand, ending with one of them chasing the other with various fire arms and, according to witnesses, making threats. “You either remove the barrier or I'll shoot you, you don't know who you're talking to. Your plot of land is illegal and and you've broken the metallic fencing!” Bullet proof vests
As soon as the polic arrived, they interviewed the victim who explained that just a short while before, his neighbour had turned up at his house armed with two shotguns, a pistol and two rounds of ammunition in his hands.

The victim repeated the threat that his neighbour had made to him that he was going to “shoot him twice in the head.” Rapidly, the officers asked for reinforcements from headquarters and in a question of minutes, three extra patrols rushed to the scene. Six officers were wearing bullet proof vests and were heavily armed prior to preparing to enter the property of the man who had issued the threats.

When the police knocked on the door, the alleged aggressor, opened up to them and without offering any kind of resistance, gave himself up to the officers. The 43-year-old Spaniard, José S.F. was immediately arrested on charges of reported threatening behaviour and possession of fire arms. In their search of the property, officers found two shotguns and a pistol as had been described by the aggressor's neighbour.

Apparently, one of the fire arms was a toy gun but the other two were real. Police also located the rounds of cartridges. Investigating the property further, officers came across joints of marijuana lying on top of a bed. Because there were a considerable number of them, police suspected that the ready-rolled narcotic had been prepared for sale.

The combination of the accusations of the neighbour, the discovery of the fire arms and the drugs was sufficent to warrant an appearance before a duty magistrate the same day.