Palma.—The leader of the opposition Balearic Socialist Party, Francina Armengol, yesterday accused the centre right Partido Popular governments in Palma and Madrid of having “conned” Spain over the course of this year.

In her Christmas message, Armengol accused the Partido Popular of “having promised a lot but delivered very little such as resolving the crisis and creating jobs.” During the Socialist Party's Christmas gathering with the media, Armengol said that there is no cause to celebrate this Christmas because “after a year of Rajoy as Prime Minister and more than a year with Jose Ramon Bauza as President of the Balearics, we're still deep in recession, a poor social situation with fewer rights and less freedom,” she said. “2012 has been extremely hard for the general public, especially those without work with the PP unable to stop runaway unemployment, never mind create jobs,” she added. “Our taxes have gone up while our democratic rights have been slashed and we intend to use 2013 to fight for the rights of the people and that the government takes proactive action.” Across town, however, it was all smiles from the President in his Christmas message.
Jose Ramon Bauza claimed that he and his government have fulfilled their pledge to “balance” the books which were left in such a mess by the former Socialist-led coalition administration.

Bauza continued that he has managed to reduce the huge public deficit and debts his government inherited. “We have fulfilled our objectives for 2012 and must continue on a similar line in 2013. “Things are still going to be hard and we're going to have to be very prudent in order to hit the next target and that is pulling the Balearics out of recession,” the President added. “We have to continue working with the same motivation and rhythm in order to build a new, more efficient and transparent administrative structure for the region,” he said. “Every single member of the general public is important for the future of the Balearics and that is why my government has to pool all its forces in order to help the public,” the President added.