THE central government delegate to the Balearics, Ramon Socias, said yesterday that the authorities are doing everything within their powers to ensure that “nobody has to turn to crime to eat.” Socias said that the social services, in particular, is determined to care for as many victims of the recession as possible and that he is confident that the credit crunch will not spark a crime wave as feared by some sectors of the Balearics' principal retail associations. Socias denied during yesterday's military celebrations in Palma, that there is a direct correlation between a rise in unemployment and an increase in crime and highlighted the fact that over the past five years, the crime rate has fallen steadily here in the Balearics.

But, despite the efforts of the security forces, he admitted that it is impossible to have zero crime and, for that reason, further investment will be made in the region's police forces and increasing the number of security agents over the coming year. Socias also revealed that new state-of-the-art radar detection centres are being installed across the region as part of the country's long term war on drugs and illegal immigration.