Palma de Majorca.—The Balearic Food Bank which keeps basic stocks of non-perishable goods at its warehouse in the wholesalers market of Mercapalma, confirmed that it had distributed to 3'000 more beneficiaries in 2011 than it did in 2010.

The Food Bank Foundation delivers to associations and organisations which care for the immediate needs of some the most vulnerable members of society, such as the homeless and unemployed who have large families.

A spokesman said yesterday that a “record” amount of supplies had gone out to non-profit making organisations last year. The goods held at the Food Bank are partly donated by the European Union and commercial suppliers in the Balearic Islands.

The President of the Food Bank Foundation, Manuel Marco and its Managing Director, Martin Matias agreed yesterday that the work of the Food Bank distribution service was vital at a time of economic crisis. Marco said it is certain that ten years ago, the Foundation was only attending to the needs of a tenth of the people who are now calling for help in the Balearics.

Marco said that it was the Foundation's aim to go on helping the regional population who were threatened with hunger but that the organisation was facing a crisis of its own. “We are in real need of volunteers for office work and to drive the lorry which distributes the food,” he explained.