PALMA CONSUMOPOLIS is the name given to the consumer fair which opened in Plaza Espanya in Palma yesterday, aimed at encouraging healthy and environmentally responsible shopping on the part of the public.

The fair, which has been organised by the regional Ministry for Health and Consumer Affairs, features a virtual shopping experience which has been designed and built by 27 Balearic schools and colleges to increase public awareness about the benefits of responsible shopping.

Minister Vicens Thomas was handing out prizes yesterday to the winners of the model design competition.
Children were delighted by the presence of the responsible shopping mascots “Just” and “Clareta” .
Consumopolis is also open today between 10am and 7pm when 20 stands manned by consumer associations will be providing all manner of information to the public. Exhibiting at the event will be companies who have been awarded prizes for the way their product manufacturing respects the environment.

Through the fair, the government wants members of the public to know not only what rights they have as consumers, but what responsibility they have to minimise negative impact on their own health and that of the world around them.