BRITISH resident Sue Greenhall got a bird's eye view of the huge waste tin fire on the outskirts of Palma on Wednesday evening.
Mrs Greenhall just happened to be enjoying a helicopter flight from Son Bonet, where her pilot son Jonatha is based with Sloane Helicopters, up to Alcudia when they noticed the huge column of smoke billowing up from the Can Valero industrial site and moved closer to take some aerial photographs. The fire, which started earlier on Thursday, was still being tackled by fire fighters yesterday morning and three workers at the site were being treated in hospital for the effects of smoke. Palma fire brigade source said yesterday morning that the blaze was under control and investigators were still trying to confirm the cause of the fire.
A unit of fire fighters is expected to remain on sire for the next few days to monitor the fire scene and to make sure that the blaze is completely extinguished.