THE Balearic capital is the 14th most popular place of 20 key cities in the country and overseas for Spaniards to visit during Easter week, although it remains one of the most expensive.

Palma joins Madrid, Barcelona and Seville as the costliest destinations in Spain with an average hotel stay costing over 100 euros a night for a double room. Spaniards choosing to go overseas at Easter prefer London, Paris and Rome which occupy 4th, 5th and 6th place on the list of 20 respectively. Hotel price watchdog - Trivago - confirmed yesterday that the destinations which hold religious festivals and processions at Easter combined with access to the beach - such as Palma - maintain their popularity, but also their price. Valencia proves a cheaper option where hotels charge an average of 86 euros per double room per night. Venice is the dearest overseas option at 177 euros average hotel cost per night.