STAFF REPORTER AFTER exhaustive investigations, the forensic department of the National Police has confirmed that a fire which broke out last week in the underground parking area of a block of flats in Manacor, was started intentionally.

The fire resulted in 250 people having to be evacuated from their homes and in the death - days later - of a 77-year-old resident who had been hospitalised following the fire. Police reports indicated that the incendiary had started when a blazing parked motorbike had set several nearby cars alight. Residents in the area have produced no less than 40 official complaints to the police over the past few years, alleging that drug addicts who have been operating in the suburb have frequently been causing disturbances. “The fire was started intentionally, there's no doubt,” said one local man. Police, who have been interviewing people in Serral district of Manacor are not discounting making arrests shortly.