STAFF REPORTER PALMA'S Ombudsman, Miquel Llado, said yesterday during a City Council meeting in Palma that 37 percent of complaints lodged by residents last year were substantiated.

Llado was presenting an official report on Civil Defence League activities during 2008. He said that since a system had been established through which residents could channel complaints, 195 had been received - an average of 14 a month. In order of importance, the main areas of complaint were related to town planning where works were being carried out illegally or without the necessary planning permission; health, for circumstances of noise and smell during rubbish collection rounds when the containers are emptied by lorries; Local Police, in matters of abandoned cars and drug addicts demanding money for helping people park their cars; and transport. Some eighty percent of people using the service said that the information given to them by the League was either “good” or “very good” and that 7 out of 10 people valued the new institution highly.