CHILDREN from the Minors Centre, as well as disadvantaged and traumatised children will learn how to sail thanks to the efforts of the Peter Maffay Foundation of Germany. The Foundation is represented in Pollensa by the Fundación Tabaluga, and through them, children will be able to spend holidays on board a 40 metre sailing ship, where they will not only learn how to sail but also how to get on with other people and forget their day to day problems. The sailing ship is the Sir Robert Baden Powell, which arrived in Pollensa on Friday and left yesterday morning with the first children on board.
The ship was named after the founder of the Scout movement.
While the ship was in port, an agreement of collaboration was signed between the Fundación Tabaluga and the Council of Majorca's Institute of Social Services and Sports. Thanks to the agreement, children in the care of the Institute will be able to learn sailing on board the Sir Robert Baden Powell. Under a previous agreement, they already enjoy holidays at the houses which the Foundation has in Pollensa and Germany. A spokesman for the Peter Maffay Foundation said that the voyages will be held throughout the month of June.
During the days spent at sea, the children acquire greater self confidence and belief in their own possibilities.
The spokesman said that the children “come into contact with nature from a completely new perspective, and learn to live in a group in a small space.”