ELECTRICITY supply company in the Balearics, GESA-Endesa said yesterday that with four new power companies shortly entering the regional market, the final invoices emitted by GESA to clients who opt for other suppliers may contain errors. Maria Magdalena Frau, Communications director for GESA-Endesa said however that the company is working “conscientiously” so that when other companies start operating as of 1st July, the handover “passes without incident.” She reported that 100 people have been working for months for the computer printed invoices to be as accurate as possible. In total, said Frau, 150'000 man hours will need to be spent to make sure the system produces the correct information. But Frau said that she could not guarantee that no minor error would surface “given the difficulty of having to cope with such a major accounting upheaval.” Meanwhile, Regional Minister for Commerce, Industry and Energy, Xisca Vives, yesterday urged Central Government to fix the tariff so that consumers will know what electricity rates they will be paying as of 1st July.