Madrid.—The Alliance for Excellence in Tourism (Exceltur) confirmed yesterday that between January and March this year 7'000 new jobs had been created by the Spanish hotel sector in 105 holiday towns and resorts around the country.

The Balearic Islands along with the Canaries and the Costa del Sol have apparently been leading this growth in employment and income. The jobs, said Exceltur researchers, have most notably been created in the restaurant sector and catering, the leisure industry, and shops associated with tourist resorts. Employment has apparently also picked up, but to a lesser extent, in tourist accommodation.

According to the Vice-President of Exceltur, José Luis Zoreda, the growth during the first four months of the year in the tourist sector - and the resulting higher employment levels - has been largely due to foreign visitors who because of political turmoil in North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, have opted for Spain as an alternative.

Also playing its part, said Zoreda, has been the recovery of some European economies as witnessed in Germany and Great Britain. He added though, that the national tourist market remains a “little flat.” Exceltur commented that every effort still needs to be made to expand the tourist industry in Spain, and that reliance should not be made on external factors.