Palma.The Guardia Civil traffic police, with the support of the National and Local Police forces, have announced a crackdown on driving under the influence of drugs, which will have them patrolling every street at every hour of the day' from July 9.
Drivers will be pulled over at random, even if they are not seen committing a motoring offence.
They will be breathalysed to check their alcohol levels and then a saliva test will indicate whether the driver has been taking drugs.
If the test comes out positive, the motorist will immediately be taken for further testing and will not be allowed to continue on his or her journey.
Those found to be driving under the influence of illegal substances can face anything from a 500-euro fine and six points off their licences through to a prison term. Drug-driving is behind one in four fatalities on the road, said the Minister for the Interior, Jorge Fernández and the Minister for Traffic, María Seguí yesterday during the unveiling of the new campaign.
In 2011, 480 people died as a result of accidents caused by motorists who had taken illegal substances.
Drug consumption doubles the chance of having a crash, and if the driver is heavily affected, can increase probabilities of road accidents by up to seven times. Every year here in the Balearics, the traffic police step up their crackdown on drinking and driving but this year the emphasis is also going to be on drugs and widespread controls are going to be thrown up across the island every weekend.
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