Palma.— Secretary of State for Employment Mari Luz Rodriguez said that the latest information available to Central Government indicated that the Balearics is “already on its way” to job recovery.

Rodriguez was speaking in Palma prior to attending a conference on “Social and Economic Agreement” organised by Management Association, APD.
She said that although there are still 71'494 people unemployed in the Balearic Islands, it is “very good news” for the 4'278 who have found work.
Rodriguez said that although there was undoubtedly no room for complacency, there is nevertheless “reason for hope” because the Balearic Islands is the region of the country where unemployment has declined the most in percentage terms, by 5.65 percent.

Furthermore, the Secretary of State said, the Balearics is one of the regions of the country where unemployment has grown the least, meaning that there are now more people in work than there were in 2010 When questioned about how much jobs acquired through seasonal tourism had influenced this latest set of figures, Rodriguez pointed out that the most recent proposals for labour reforms under the present Socialist Central Government are promoting long-term contracts and “stable” part-time work. “What we don't want,” she said, “is for the economic cycles of recession and growth to lead to seasonality in employment.” She insisted that it was a top priority for Central Government to enable people to find work. “This is why,” she said, “that the government wants a collective bargaining process which is less cumbersome.” Rodriguez said that the government was trying to encourage companies to adapt their operating conditions rather than to just make people redundant.