STAFF REPORTER IMAGES of the legendary knight defenders of Alaró castle in the 13th century, Cabrit and Bassa, have been unveiled on panelling in the castle chapel. The discovery was made by technicians from the Diocese restoration department when they went to the castle to remove paintings from the Mare de Deu del Refugi altar piece. They saw that just underneath were hidden two polychrome panels representing the knights Cabrit and Bassa. Initial assessments suggest the panels could have been the altar piece originals dating from 1622.

However, Merce Gambus, History of Art teacher at the Balearic University and Director of the Conservation of Religious Art Heritage Group, was cautious yesterday, remarking that it was “still early days” and that all had been confirmed was that two historic panels had been discovered.

She said that it had “long been suspected” that the originals could be hidden beneath the oil painted cloth of the altar piece. In fact, above the area where the panels were located, there is an oil painting on wood representing Saint Joseph with Jesus. The technique used for this painting is the same used for the artwork on the panelling just recently discovered.

Gambus also pointed out that the two pieces were found “in a very poor state” which is going to make restoration work and giving an exact date of the originals, very difficult. Mateu Marcus, President of Alaró Castle Foundation said yesterday how very fortunate the historic find has been.