Palma.—Over eight thousand people have signed a n online petition to help save the Balearic Symphony Orchestra from ceasing to exist, the orchestra announced yesterday
The petition pointed out that for many years now the musicians have “suffered disproportionate cuts to their budget, much more than any other orchestra in Spain”.

On the web page the group expresses their concern with the proposed plans by the authorities responsible for the funding of the orchestra to reduce their budget even further by 27%, something that would lead the group “to cease their existance”. “To these serious economic issues we have to add other no less important problems to the mix. Politicians and managers are not negotiating in a viable way. They want to talk about collective negotiations but refuse to give us any assurances regarding our jobs or wages,” a note on the web page said.

The orchestra adds that there are still no plans regarding the programme for next year's concerts and performances, there is no artistic commission and that wage payments to the group members are “always late”.

In the document the orchestra appeals to the good sense of the three government bodies that work with the orchestra to come up with a more viable plan and to put an end to the cuts.