Palma.—The spotlight was back on the Playa de Palma and Arenal yesterday and it was not the German media, which has been scathing about the resorts over the past few months.

It was the Local Police force which had an extremely busy few early hours of the morning.
The worst incident was sparked by a gang of Germans who attacked a group of Africans in the infamous Calle Jamon.
As soon as the police reached the scene, all those involved disappeared however, the police remained on the scene for an hour-and-a-half to maintain law and order.

But, no sooner had they later moved on, the riot flared up all over again and this time the Local Police sent in its riot squad.
Seven Germans were arrested and police suspect they are members of a Neo Nazi gang due to their appearance, shaven heads, tattoos etc.
At the same time, another Local Police unit was having to deal with an incident in a disco in the same street. A Majorcan had hit an employee in the face with a glass after he had tried to remove her from the premises.

Attacked with a chair The third and final incident of the night occurred at a restaurant in Calle Alzmun where a group of lads stormed the establishment and attacked the owners, who was on his own at the time, with a chair, knocking him unconscious.

They then ransacked the cash till and fled with the day's takings.
The restaurant owner was rushed to hospital and a number of eye witnesses came forward to help police with their inquiries.