By Humphrey Carter

HOLLYWOOD actress Gwyneth Paltrow jetted into Majorca yesterday, using her best Spanish on the unwelcome photographers at Palma airport.
Paltrow, who has recently made a name for herself in the West End starring in Proof, has become an annual visitor to Majorca. Last year she flew in to dine with Prince Felipe of Spain and the Duke and Duchess of Palma at a seafood restaurant in the capital accompanied by her now fiance, the Coldplay singer Chris Martin. Yesterday however, she flew in from London unaccompanied, leapt into a waiting cab, headed for Campos and onto Valentino's boat the Blue One off Es Trenc beach. Paltrow and Martin are said to be preparing an autumn wedding in New York at the exclusive Hamptons beach resort, a property owned by film director Steven Spielberg, who is her godfather and will apparently give her away in place of Paltrow's father, Bruce Paltrow, who died last year. Martin has been on tour with Coldplay, one of the best British bands to have emerged over the past few years, in Australia and the Far East, but is back in Britain and they play Chelmsford this weekend. Paltrow has now become a big fan of London life, but when she first arrived in the city, she publicly declared that British men never asked her out. Martin soon changed that. Paltrow is also a lover of Spain; earlier this year she was given the keys to the town near Toledo where she spent her university gap year and learnt her Spanish. The star, voted one of Hollywood's most glamorous leading ladies, has always kept in contact with the family she stayed with and returns every summer.