THE Balearic Ministry for the Environment is planning to invest 25'647'978 euros during this year in works to improve the Balearic “torrentes” (water courses) to stop flooding in populated areas, and on roads and farmland, according to the Minister for the Environment Jaume Font. During a press conference, the Minister explained that these funds will be added to the 15 million euros already invested during this period of office. The Balearic Government has set aside 40 million euros for this exercise, without counting the money to be invested during 2007. He defined this as a “historic” monetary investment. Font said that many of the projects planned for this year had already been completed or are now being carried out and that, of the 25 million euros budgeted, 8'691'697 euros are reserved for works which are yet to be done. Among these projects is the refurbishment of various “torrentes” and irrigation channels and the reconstruction of walls. In addition to this, the Government has designed a plan of action to solve the problems of 33 “critical points” in the torrentes of Ibiza, to avoid future risks. The Minister said that the Balearic Agency for Water and Environmental Quality, part of the Water Resources department, has already started to clean the torrentes on Majorca. So far this has cost 240'337 euros and there are 558'941 euros remaining in this particular budget. On Ibiza 70'104 euros of the budget has been spent leaving 126'212 euros, while on Minorca 52'112 euros has been spent leaving 148'274 euros.