Staff Reporter

THE average number of passengers who travelled on the metro during the months of July and August was 3'000 daily, according to figures published by the Balearic Ministry for Mobility.

This number is rather uncertain “given that there really has been no exhaustive control, the figure is an estimation by the SFM (Majorca's railway company) and, taking into account that in July there were more passengers than in August, they have chosen to make an average daily estimation based on the total number of passengers during those two months”.

The same sources from the Ministry of Mobility said that, to correct this defect, “from next week a new control system will be introduced on the metro from the intermodal station to the UIB (Balearic University).

Comparing this with the first month of the metro's operation, SFM offered more concrete figures, they put the total number of passengers at 203'950.
Of these, the intermodal station handled 35.5 percent of the passengers, as opposed to the 25.4 percent handled by the UIB station.
If the daily average passenger figure for July and August is calculated to a monthly amount, the metro handled less than 100'000 passengers during each month, 50 percent less than in May.

The Minister for Mobility is at the moment planning how to improve the quality of service on the metro and the fare structure, as since it came into operation the service has been free.

The Government confirmed that, from the first week in October, “the fare structure will be available, from single tickets to combination tickets, which can be credited with enough money for 20 or 40 journeys and which were introduced some months ago on the train network”.

The price of a metro ticket has so far not yet been defined, but it could vary between 80 centimos and 1.10 euros, said the Government sources.