THE Anti Drug Plan started in 2006 in the areas around education centres on the Balearics will this year be extended to the bars and discotheques on the islands.

The aim of the anti drug plan is to identify drug traffickers selling small quantities of drugs and try to stamp out the trade.
The extending of the plan was announced by the Spanish Government's Delegate to the islands, Ramon Socias, who recalled that during last year the State Security Forces had already extended their activities to places where young people meet outside of school hours, such as parks or pubs, and not just confined themselves to the areas around the schools.

According to Socias, the objective for this year will be “to extend the range of their activities a little more and to not only be present in “innocent” leisure places, but also in the discotheques”, where it is known that drugs are sold.

This summer two “after hours” clubs and a discotheque were closed on Ibiza for turning a blind eye to the sale and consumption of drugs on their premises.

The starting of this plan against drug trafficking and consumption in 2006 resulted in 167 people being reported, 160 seizures of various drugs and two arrests.

The greatest number of seizures were of the drugs hashish (360 grams) and marijuana (155 grams).
The existence of this Plan has forced the traffickers to change their dealing locations, but the police have reacted by increasing their area of activity to bars and leisure centres.

This is part of the plan for measures against the interior trafficking and distribution of drugs in leisure areas, which in 2006 resulted in 2'116 people being reported, 2'915 seizures of drugs and the arrest of 84 people by the Guardia Civil and the National Police Force, with the collaboration of the local police forces.