The painting has been returned to the city council.


The “missing” Miro painting from the Pilar and Juan Miro art foundation in Palma has been discovered in the vaults of an art transport company in Palma.
Yesterday, it was returned to the Palma city council but the police investigation will continue to discover exactly how the painting, valued for insurance purposes at 450,000 euros, disappeared from the art foundation.
The owner of the transport company said that it had arrived in his offices and he thought that it belonged to a client who would come and collect the painting. This never happened and he said that he was amazed when he saw photographs of the missing Miro in local newspapers.
The whole incident led the director of the foundation, Elvira Camara, to offer her resignation although so far it has not been accepted.
Police had said earlier in the week that they suspected that the painting had been mislayade rather than stolen. Yesterday they were continuing with their investigation.