By Humphrey Carter

BELIEVE it or not, 21-year-old Royal Marine Andy Grant was all smiles in Majorca yesterday despite having been at death's door on February 3rd when he was caught in a Taliban IOD (Improvised Explosive Device) while on patrol in the Upper Sangin Valley, the Afghanistan front line.

Liverpool-fan Andy Grant suffered multiple serious injuries - nearly 30 shrapnel wounds - as he took the full force of the explosion and does not expect to regain full fitness until the end of next year, at the earliest.

But, yesterday he was all smiles because he has been invited to the island by former Irish Guards Lance Corporal Stan Bowles who donated his Sineu home to injured servicemen and women via the Help For Heroes charity in the UK. The offer was passed on to the welfare officers at the Headley Court Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, where Andy has been since being discharged from Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham after three months in intensive care and on the ward. Andy, his girlfriend Steph and sisters Hannah and Megan, arrived in Majorca on Tuesday morning.