BALEARIC President Francesc Antich confirmed yesterday that the multi-million euro Playa de Palma reform programme, financed by Central Government is to be put on hold until consensus between politicians, residents and tourists businesses has been reached.

Following protests in Can Pastilla where residents and traders stood to have 91 properties demolished to make way for an esplanade, Antich intervened in the debate and said that the challenge now facing politicians and the Playa de Palma joint venture construction consortium, is not the massive reform programme but rather to encourage as many as possible of the people who live and work along the Playa de Palma to agree to it.

Joana Barcelo, regional Minister for Employment, remarked after a meeting chaired by Antich with heads of the Balearic political parties that it will be difficult to have the revised plans for the massive modernisaiton scheme ready before the next election in May next year but she said that further public scrutiny and agreement will serve to make sure that the project will eventually go ahead.