THE European Commission said it was in favour of the proposal put forward by the Spanish government on behalf of the Balearic Community, to declare inter-island flights in the Archipelago as a public service. The Commission has also “taken note” of the possibility of expanding the service to flights between the smaller islands, Ibiza and Minorca, and the Peninsula. After a meeting with the leader of the Balearic government, Jaume Matas, the European commissioner for Transport and Energy, Loyola de Palacio, explained that the approach made by the Spanish authorities “appears to conform to Community guidelines” and was confident of a quick decision that “is likely to be positive”. The Balearic leader confirmed, after the meeting, that he had also asked for the extension of the public service “at least” to covering flights from the smaller islands (Ibiza and Minorca), to the Peninsula. The commissioner “took note” of this request and gave assurances that the European authorities “would study” this proposal, added Matas.
De Palacio declared to Matas that the Commission is in the process of “analysing the proposal” that the Spanish government had presented and added that this initiatve would be bolstered by some measures allowing open market principles to ensure cheaper prices and better service. All this would be in addition to any other benefits to Balearic residents, she added.
Although De Palacio warned of the necessity for “prudence”, she was quite clear that the issue “had been correctly approached and that the proposals conform to European Community law”. De Palacio pointed out that there is a precedent, the service already established in the Canary Islands.
Matas believed that the attitude of the European Commission “is good news for all of us” and he was confident that the new public air service in the Balearics “could become a reality before the end of the year”. He signalled that once the Commission has given formal approval, the proposal can then be put, as a final stage, before the Spanish Cabinet. Prices and conditions would have to be adjusted to ensure optimum value for money. With regard to the prices of the flights, the fixed tariff for the Islands' residents on all the inter-island flights will be about 48 euros, explained a government spokesman. Prices for non residents however, will be subject to a 33 percent increase on the basic tariff putting them at around 64 euros.