THE Balearic government is organising a conference at which social and economic organisations of the Islands will be instructed on the use of funding to which they are entitled as part of the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion.

The Euroregion, created in 2004, is made up of Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, the region of Languedoc-Rosselló (France) and part of the Pyrenees. When the Balearics held the rotating presidency of the Euroregion between December 2007 and June 2009, it set up a fund management system designed to be accessed for use by the member regions.

Now, though its European Union External Relations department, the Balearic government wants instructions passed to the public authorities and institutions which have the right to make use of the Euroregion's funding. The conference being organised will teach representatives how to secure the money and manage it according to EU legislation.

Financing is made available by the EU for projects aimed at fomenting sustainable development. European Union policy favours environmental protection, innovation and social integration.