Palma.—There are now 225,000 registered non EU foreign nationals on the islands.

The General director for the immigration department, Antonia Maria Estarellas. explained yesterday that the government is aware of the mass exodus which has been experienced over the last few years but her department is determined to continue to encourage and help immigrants struggling to adapt to life in the region to settle here.

"Things are not as simple as they were five or six years ago," Estarellas said. "Those who arrived in the Balearics prior to that are completely integrated in our society, their kids go to local schools and the majority speak fluent Castilian and Catalan. Different policies and budgets have already been approved by the authorities to ensure the councils have the necessary tools for the programmes destined to help immigrants in a difficult situation and help them settle down."

"A new programme has been set up in different schools to make communication easier between teachers and school staff and the recently arrived families."

When that help is not enough, Estarellas also confirmed, a budget of 400,000 euros has been allocated to the Assisted Voluntary Return programme that helps non EU citizens who wish to return to their native countries, but are unable to do so for financial reasons.