Rosa Estaras with Bulletin editor Jason Moore.


THE European election campaign has been thrown wide open with the traditional pro-European mainstream parties facing a surge in support for eurospectic parties across Europe.
This state of affairs has not been missed by Rosa Estaras who is standing for reelection for the Balearics as our Euro MP for the Partido Popular. She said that it was vital that we voted for mainstream parties rather than the eurospectics because all they wanted to do was derail the Union. Also, later this year a new European Commission President will be voted in and there are fears that the rise in support of the eurospectics could cause a damaging shock on election day.
Estaras, is obviously pro-European and underlines the importance of the Union and says that it affects everyone. “The legislation we debate and approve affects all,” she says. Her top word is consensus and this is basically the key to the European Parliament, working with each from across the bloc. She believes that consensus is even the key to resolving the difficult issue of Gibraltar which has marred relations between Spain and Britain for decades. And while she says she understands some of the anti-European feelings in Britain she said:“the European Union needs Britain but at the same time Britain needs the European Union.” And while an independent Scotland wants to join the European Union she said that obviously there has  to be consensus from all countries for a new member.  She indicated that any country has the right to use their veto if they do not support the entry of a new state. So it won´t be as easy as Scottish Nationalist leader, Alex Salmond believes.