IF I was Joseph Blatter I would not only be deeply ashamed, I would have also resigned  - and a long time ago.
With all of the major sponsors now questioning their support of the tournaments in Qatar and Russia, following the clearest claims to date of money changing hands in exchange for favourable votes for the winning hosts countries, I think it is time he and quite possibly most of  the committee are substituted by a team of honest professionals, should such a thing exist.
There have always been suggestions of corruption when it comes to electing host countries for the World Cup and  the Olympic Games,  but this time around I think Blatter and a few others may have been caught well and truly off side and should do the honourable thing.
The mere fact that the selection committee voted in favour of forcing footballers to play a month’s worth of football in 50ºC in Qatar makes no sense at all, there must be some form of incentives for such a ridiculous and potentially, medically dangerous decision to have been made.
Then, we come to Russia who we know have their own very effective ways of persuasion and considering Russia is hardly our best friend at the moment, if we want to give them a bloody nose, with the G8 officially refusing to talk to them, although Cameron tried, and having slapped sanctions on the country, why not kick Russia out of FIFA?