FRENCH and German police will be mounting joint patrols with their Majorcan counterparts this summer in some parts of the island. It is all thanks to an agreement which was signed back in 2005 but unfortunately Britain did not sign the accord. Now, granted we are talking only a small number of officers but it is certainly a step in the right direction and shows that European co-operation is alive and well even on a small island in the Mediterranean. Now, the Guardia Civil did appeal to Britain to send officers to the island to help them in the on-going battle against crime. With Magalluf never far from the headlines it would have been fantastic for Britain to have sent a handful of officers to the resort to help the Guardia Civil and the Local Police. The British police would come with extensive knowledge of the high streets of Britain which are not too far away from the so-called Street of Shame in Magalluf.  But unforunately their appeal fell on deaf ears. With five million British tourists coming to the Balearics every year surely Britain could give their Spanish counterparts a helping hand especially in Magalluf and San Antonio in Ibiza? It would also be good experience for the British officers as well.  The joint police patrols will be unveiled this morning by the Guardia Civil and their French and German counterparts. If the plan is successful then it could be extended. But what a great pity Britain is not taking part.