None of the Bulletin’s digital or Facebook readers could believe the Balearic Government’s latest move to make people wishing to rent out their property as a holiday home ask their neighbours for official permission.
Many simply slammed the idea as a joke, although some were concerned about the implications it will have on the rental market and at the end of the day the local economy.
One person pointed out that, on the whole, holiday makers renting out villas have a much higher spending power than tourists staying in two star all inclusive hotels.
Residential tourists have to eat out, hire cars, go shopping etc., although, as the Bulletin reported on Sunday, lately, there has been a slight down turn in the amount of money being spent by residential tourists in local supermarkets.
Another reader underlined the fact that renting out properties helps owners cover the mortgage and therefore protects the banks from being stuck with the kinds of toxic debts and repossessed houses which sparked the recession back in 2008.
Ridiculous laws like this will also deter investors from buying property in the Balearics - life is too short to comply with daft demands like having to seek the permission from your neighbours.
This government seems to take life about as seriously as they do in Australian soap operas.
Editorial: Rental back lash
12/08/2014 00:00
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