Panic broke out in the Club de Mar early yesterday morning when a fire broke out on a motor launch moored in the marina. At 4.45am, one of the yacht club’s security guards noticed smoke coming from the rear of a 12 metre motor launch moored in the marina.
The smoke was getting denser and denser by the minute and the security guard immediately raised the alarm.
Members of the Local Police, the Port Police, the Guardia Civil, a fleet of  ambulances and 18 fire fighters equipped with special breathing apparatus rushed to the scene fearing the worst.
There were a great deal of nerves at first because the launch was moored between two other yachts and accessing  the blaze was complicated and fire fighters did not want the blaze to spread or the fuel tanks to explode.
A decision was quickly made by the Air Sea Rescue service to  pull the launch off her mooring and take her out into the bay, in front of the cathedral so the fire could be dealt with in a safe environment.