Palma.—The Mayor of Palma, Mateo Isern, yesterday hit back at the Balearic President’s announcement on Wednesday that he will not be putting Isern forward as his candidate to run again in next year’s  local elections.
The two men, who came to power as close friends, have apparently got “personal issues” and, over the past few months, their differences have got worse, so much so that  as far as President Jose Ramon Bauza is concerned, Isern’s political career is over.
But, yesterday Isern said that he “feels that he has the full support of the Partido Popular and the backing of the PP in Palma and party members.”
Nevertheless, Isern, who said that he will do what the party asks of him, did admit that should a better candidate be found, then he would support him or her for the good of the party and Palma.
But, Bauza may have a battle on his hands.