Opponents to the expansion and reformation of El Molinar yacht club voiced their concerns yesterday after having seen the final project.

Palma.—The final project has been scaled down in order to try and appease opponents, the number of moorings will be increased by 100 as opposed to two hundreds as initially planned, but still, the local community is not convinced, nor are the opposition Socialists or the environmental group GOB.
The movement Salvem Es Molinar (Save El Molinar) said yesterday that they fear the expansion project will pose a threat to the local economy which, over the past few years has been thriving as the area has developed into an extremely popular bar and restaurant location, primarily  because it has maintained its air of being a small fishing port.
Salvem Es Molinar fear that new longer quays with moorings for vessels up to 15 metres in length will spoil the view and have a negative visual impact on the area.
However, with the lease of the yacht club due for renewal over the next few years, the current board want to invest over nine million euros into modernising  the yacht club and also bringing its services and facilities up to the current required standards in order to continue running the club.