Oceana wants the refuge to  remain closed until there is an adequate wastewater treatment system to ensure protection of key marine ecosystems in the National Park.

Palma.—Oceana is calling  for the immediate closure of the Cabrera refuge until a system of wastewater treatment is put in place in order to purify wastewater, and to ensure that there are no negative effects on the waters of the National Park and its ecosystems.
“At the board meeting of the National Park, we were assured that the opening of this refuge would not impact upon marine ecosystems, and that all mitigation measures had been planned. Evidently, this information given by the Ministry regarding the park, does not match the current situation,” says Xavier Pastor, Executive Director of Oceana in Europe. “It is unacceptable that wastewater is spilling out into a National Park. Therefore, we ask those in charge to step up to their responsibilities.”
Cabrera National Park is the only National Park in the Spanish Mediterranean waters. This area was made into a National Park over 20 years ago, as a result of the important ecosystems and marine species that live there.