Nuria Riera spelt out the Balearic government's line last night.


Palma.—In the face of protests outside the Balearic government headquarters and the Ministry for Education for the TILtrilingual curriculum to be scrapped in the wake of the Balearic High Court ruling on Monday that it is “invalid”, the Balearic government is not backing down.
Yesterday evening, regional government spokesperson, Nuria Riera said that the government is going to lodge an appeal against the ruling in Palma with the Supreme Court in Madrid.
Riera  claimed that the reasons behind the Balearic High Court’s decision are “mere formalities” and called on society as whole to be responsible now that the new school year is underway  in order to avoid any further disruption for parents and students like last year, when teachers went on strike for a month in protest over the trilingual lingual teaching programme.
She said that “TIL needs time to be introduced but  it also merits an opportunity.”