The publicity campaign launched in the British press earlier this month. | R.C.


Calvia Council intends to have a number of its resorts classified as “mature” as part of its drive to improve the region’s image.

Palma.—After a summer  in which Magalluf hit the global headlines for all the wrong reasons, Calvia Council, with the full support of the local government, has swung into action in order to take a series of steps in order to  repair the damage done to the region’s image and set out a road map for the municipality which will see a return of quality family tourism.
During the World Travel Market in London earlier this month, a publicity campaign was launched in the British media to  promote responsible tourism.
And yesterday, the council submitted all the documentation for Paguera to be classified as a “mature destination”.
Palmanova-Magalluf and Santa Ponsa will be next once all the paper work has been completed and the council hopes that the three resorts will be reclassified  earlier in the New Year, at the latest.
The applications have the full support of the local hotel, business and commercial sectors and the council has created a special  task force to handle the process.
Once declared mature destinations, the doors will be opened for greater private investment in projects to modernise the resorts.