Yesterday, workers across Majorca gathered in Palma to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Labour Day.

Palma.—According to local union leaders, at least 1,300 people gathered in the Plaza de España at midday at the start of the march through the capital with all of the demonstrators keen to fire a salvage of various messages at the governing Partido Popular ahead of the local elections later this month.
All of the left wing parties were represented as was every local union body and the slogan for this year’s march was “this is not the way out of recession”.
Various union leaders disagreed with recent comments made by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, that the economy is on the road to recovery and that the country is climbing out of recession and the PP came under attack for having broken its promises not to cut pensions, education and health.
The TIL trilingual curriculum  was also another subject of protest as was the situation at the Coca Cola bottling factory in Palma where scores of jobs have been lost.