So it looks likely that we are heading for a coalition government. No, I am not talking about the British elections but the local elections later this month. The ruling Partido Popular will be the most voted party but they will fail to secure an overall majority, leaving the door open for a coalition. I suspect that the Partido Popular will attempt to form a government with the new party ,Ciudadanos, which is tipped to do very well in the local and national elections. This centre-left party is seen as a likely bedmate for the Partido Popular. But of course if the Partido Popular doesn´t win a majority it could leav e the door open for a left-wing coalition led by the socialists alongside Podemos, and other nationalist parties. So it looks that there is going to be a degree of political uncertainty in the Balearics. Now, as long-time residents will remember, we are no strangers to coalition governments. We had been ruled by a left-wing coaliation on two occasions. I wouldn´t say that they were too successful and obviously there were always fears that the coalition could break down. So, why has the Partido Popular gone from a party which won by a landslide to a party which can no longer secure a majority. Well, the answer is relatively simple. Austerity cuts and of course the failed three language teaching system.  Nationwide, the latest polls also suggest that we are heading for a coalition as well. So is coalition going to be the buzz-word of  2015 in Britain and Spain?