
Passengers subdue man who tries to open door on flight from Palma to Ibiza

The Guardia Civil arrested the suspect who was eventually taken to hospital. | UH-EIVISSA


Members of the crew and passengers on board a flight from Palma to Ibiza tackled and subdued a 44-year-old Romanian today as he tried to open the door of the plane. According to the authorities and the Guardia Civil, who took care of the situation once the plane was on the ground, the 44-year-old suffers from mental health problems and was trying to commit suicide.

However, as he made his way towards the door at 11.30, shaking and in a nervous state, some quick-thinking passengers and members of the crew feared the worst and took action. Had he succeeded, he would not have only killed himself but probably most of those on board the flight.

The group of passengers reacted extremely quickly and that, according to the Guardia Civil, proved crucial. Within seconds, the 44-year-old was being held down on the floor, although some of the other passengers were deeply shocked by what had happened and the ongoing situation.

The pilot immediately alerted the control tower in Ibiza and members of the Guardia Civil stormed the plane and arrested the suspect as soon as the plane had landed and come to a halt. During the questioning, the officers quickly realised that the suspect suffered from mental-health problems and called for support from the SAMU-061 emergency medical service.

The Romanian was eventually taken to the psychiatric wing of Can Misses Hospital in Ibiza under police escort. Sources have revealed that the passenger was travelling alone with no luggage and he had apparently taken a flight from Ibiza to Palma just five days ago. Official sources have confirmed that he was intent on committing suicide by throwing himself from the plane.  However, heroic passengers and crew prevented a disaster.