
No increase in Palma taxi-drivers' hours of working

Getting a taxi can at times mean a long wait. | Toni Escobar


Hours that Palma's taxi-drivers work are not going to be increased. This had been a request from taxi associations in response to what has been described as a shortage of taxis at certain times. Palma's transport councillor Joan Ferrer had already pretty much ruled out an increase in hours and he has now confirmed this. He says that issues with taxi supply are specific ones on account of a record number of tourists, but the town hall has considered the need for standardisation of the taxi service and the consensus within the majority in the taxi sector, which rejects greater liberalisation of hours.

Ferrer adds that two decrees have been issued under which all taxis can be out between 4am and 8am, which is when demand is at its highest in the nightlife areas of the city. He wants an association to bring a proposal for longer hours to the meeting planned for next month and to see if it gets the necessary support in order to move it forward.

This meeting will also look at shifts for autumn and winter and begin on drawing these up for next summer. Ferrer, meanwhile, has responded to a request from Ciudadanos for a group to be created to analyse the taxi sector. "It already exists and a councillor from the C's has taken part in it."