Es Murterar coal plant in Alcudia would be closed down by 2025 at the latest under the new law. | Miquel A. Cañellas
Palma17/02/2018 00:00
The Majorcan Industrial Association (ASIMA) yesterday announced its “total rejection” of the local government’s new climate change bill. On Thursday, the Balearic government announced a pioneering climate change bill which has been praised by green groups across Europe and backed by a number of other regions in Spain, despite the government having set itself on yet another collision course with Madrid which still supports the use of fossil fuels.
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It has never ceased to amaze me why those countries lucky enough to enjoy reasonable sunshine for a large part of the year,do not go all-out for solar energy since fossil fuels are now very finite whereas the sun is going to shine for millions of years to come and the bonus is a substantial reduction in pollution and a vast improvement in air quality.