Etiqueta 'European Elections'
Rosa Estaràs, Partido Popular MEP for the Balearics

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Spain moves to the right at the European elections

The Partido Popular increased their number of seats in the European Parliament by nine.

Andrew Ede10/06/2024 08:32

Mallorca scene

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What matters most for the Balearics at the European elections?

Headline-grabbing issues are to do with housing, but compensation for insularity is of fundamental importance.

Andrew Ede09/06/2024 08:39


You decide: Vote 2019

Bulletin brings together the principal parties in the local election campaign with each party producing a two minute video in English on why you should vote for them.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter20/05/2019 10:11

Voter deadline for EU elections is May 7.


Over 4,000 Britons can vote in European elections in Balearics

British residents have until May 7 to register to vote in the European Elections as conditions currently stand.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/04/2019 09:59