The decision had previously been made about reducing the speed limit but it was never enforced. | Jaume Morey
Palma10/01/2020 13:47
The Council of Majorca wants to reduce the speed limit on the Vía de Cintura from 120 kilometres an hour to just 80kmph to combat pollution, reduce emissions and prevent traffic jams.
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You cannot drive anywhere near the speed limit on congested roads. Reducing vehicle numbers first is the key anti-pollution goal, then perhaps speeding. An integrated transport system which covers the island more comprehensively is clearly the best option from a congestion and pollution point. Particularly the trains. Why on Earth does it stop at Sa Pobla? For goodness sakes. If that's the standard of thinking and competency then there's not much hope.
Imagine very many FREE BUSES All over the Island !!. Using a Car would become far too expensive to go to and from work , shopping etc. Then what about TOLL ROADS. A toll to use the Via De Cintura!!! Having to pay to use roads, when there are FREE Buses would again be far too expensive. Mallorca is now like America , where they worship the Car. There are far to many Cars on the Island. Abd there are NOT enough roads to accommodate these Cars , especially in the Season when thiusands of Hire Cars are in use. The pollution on this Island now is a cause for concern. It is injurous to health and creates even more DUST and gases that we breathe. There needs to be very serious thought and planning when Electric Cars and Buses become common place in Mallorca.