Etiqueta 'Speed limits Mallorca'
Speed cameras in Mallorca: know where they are before you get in your car
In Mallorca, the DGT have a total of 37 speed cameras.

New speed limits
New speed limits.
Inca school zones to have new speed limit
“We are continuing to take steps to improve mobility in Inca and ensure the safety of pedestrians."
Calls to reduce motorway speed limit
"We want to reduce the speed due to environmental and safety issues."
Palma to introduce bus payment by phone
The integration of EMT anf TIB fares will mean more benefits from using the citizens’ card, while payment for buses using phones will be possible.
Palma unveils new plan to tackle traffic
In Palma there is an average of more than 900 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants compared to the national average of 650.
The art of putting up Christmas decorations - Plus, the new cintura speed limit
Frank Leavers gives his insight on this year's Christmas decorations and the new speed limits in Palma.
Frank Leavers02/12/2020 14:01